
Expected completion 10 minutes.

This session is optional, as not every bot you build will have a notification set up. But, this functionality can be helpful to help integrate your bot into your existing workflows. Notifications can automate emails to be sent when a specific trigger occurs in the bot, such if a user responds to a message in a certain way or if they reach the end of the bot.

Watch the video below to learn how to set up an automated notification.

As you start building, it’s important to think about your bot and it’s purpose. How can a personalised email be used to improve the user experience for the end user, you and your team? Your bot could also send an email to: 

  • Provide the user with additional details and attachments (including an automated document);
  • Inform you that someone has interacted with your bot;
  • Inform someone else on your team that they need to review information provided by the user; or
  • All of the above.

For example, in the intake bot we are building in the video above we may also want to set up an automated email that sends a copy of the contract to the legal team for review.

Practice your skills

Test your understanding of notifications by completing the following tasks:

  1. Create a notification.
  2. Fill in the details of the notification.
  3. Set the trigger for a notification.
  4. Test your notification:
    1. Make sure your notification is live.
    2. Launch your bot in the ‘Launch’ tab.
    3. Interact with the live bot.
    4. Check if you receive the email.

Hint: Make sure the recipient in the notification is your email address, otherwise you could accidentally send someone else the email!

If you’re looking to deep dive even further into the Josef platform, head over to the next optional session to learn about creating calculations.

Go to the next session →