Automate documents

Expected completion 15 minutes.

So far, you’ve learned how to tell your bot what to say and when to say it, by creating different types of messages, connecting messages, and creating rules. In this session, we’re going to learn how the information collected in a bot can be used to automate documents.

You may already have an idea of what automating documents means. But just in case, document automation refers to the process of automatically entering information into documents, and setting rules for how text, tables, or appendices should appear or be displayed in a document. In this way, you can use Josef to quickly and easily automate a whole range of documents, from simple administrative forms to complex legal agreements.

Creating document messages

The first step in automating your documents is to create a document message and to upload a document into your bot.

Word editor

Once you’ve uploaded your document, you can begin automating. In Josef, we automate documents using the Word editor. In the Word editor, we can insert the user’s responses to previous questions into the document, and can apply rules that govern when different parts of the document appear.

Watch the video below to learn how to automate a document in the Word editor.

Practice  your skills

Automating documents is one of the most commonly used functionalities on Josef. And for good reason, it can save you a lot of time creating the same documents over and over again. So practice your document automating skills now!

Before you move on to the next session, complete the following tasks:

  1. Create a document type message.
  2. Upload a document to the message.
  3. Insert at least 2 variables to your document in the Word editor.
  4. Apply at least 1 rule in your document in the Word editor.
  5. Test your bot and download the document to see the results!
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