What is Josef? What is a bot?

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If you’re new to Josef, it’s important to get a broad understanding of what Josef is and what Josef bots do. Josef is a legal automation platform, which legal teams around the world use Josef to automate parts of their day-to-day work. 

Anyone can use Josef because it is “no-code”, meaning that even non-technical people can create digital tools. The tools built on Josef are called “bots”, which are software applications that automate legal and other tasks. Work that can be automated on Josef includes:

  • generating documents
  • providing guidance and advice
  • taking information from people
  • sending emails

To get a sense of what a Josef bot looks like for the “users” – these are the people who ultimately use the Josef bots that you build – have a chat with the bot below! This shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes.

You can also see some real-world examples of Josef bots here:

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